Common Web Mapping (CWM) Client

Software Development Kit v1.9.0

The NRS Common Web Mapping (CWM) framework provides a simple, powerful and lightweight mapping capability for web-browser based client applications. CWM is integrated with the NRS ISSS service-based architecture. It fully supports the ISSS Operational Spatial Database.

The CWM Client is an HTML component (including CSS and JavaScript) which can be added to host application web pages to display and interact with maps and spatial data. The component provides a simple API to let host pages interact with the map to display and manipulate spatial data. The component is implemented using modern development practices for JavaScript, CSS and HTML5. This site provides all the information a developer needs to use the CWM Client.

The CWM Service provides web services which can be used by the client component and other applications to facilitate interacting with and displaying spatial data.

Feature Sheet

A list of all features, functions and capabilities of the CWM Client; in order to assist in determining how it can support specific application requirements.


An application that demonstrates all key features of the CWM Client.

Developer Guide

A guide to integrating the CWM Client into an application, including the API it provides so that applications can customized it's behaviour.

Version History

Information about current (v1.9.0) and past versions, and the changes made in each version.

Test Plan

A list of tasks for manually testing the CWM Client.

Unit Tests

Run the suite of automated tests for the CWM Client.

Get the SDK

Download to get the development package with documentation and examples (not minified).

Get the library

Download to get the release package for deployment with application (only minified libraries).