Common Web Mapping (CWM) Client

Developer's Guide


Version Date Distribution Comments Author
1 2013-11-07 NRS IMB Initial Draft Vivid Solutions
1.6.1 2016-03-11 Public Vivid Solutions
1.7.0 2016-07-01 Public Vivid Solutions
1.7.1 2016-12-31 Public Vivid Solutions
1.7.2 2017-03-21 Public Vivid Solutions
1.7.3 2017-07-01 Internal Updated Deployment, Map Configuration sections Vivid Solutions
1.8.0 2017-11-01 Public Removed legacy integration instructions Vivid Solutions
1.8.1 2019-03-01 Public Vivid Solutions
1.9.0 2019-07 Public Vivid Solutions


The NRS Common Web Mapping Service provides a simple, powerful and lightweight mapping capability for applications which support web-browser based clients. The CWM is integrated with the NRS ISSS service-based architecture. It fully supports the ISSS Operational Spatial Database.

The CWM provides an HTML component (including CSS and JavaScript) which can be added to host application web pages to display and interact with maps and spatial data. The component provides a simple API to let host pages interact with the map to display and manipulate spatial data. The component is implemented using modern development practices for JavaScript, CSS and HTML5.

The CWM supplies services which can be requested by the mapping component and other applications to facilitate interacting with and displaying spatial data.


This document assists developers to design and build host applications which utilize the CWM Map Component and associated services.


This document is targeted at developers who are responsible for designing and implementing spatially-enabled applications within the Natural Resource Sector.

Scope / Exclusions

This document addresses the development of browser-based web mapping applications using the CWM map component.

It does not describe how to configure and manage data and layers which the map client accesses. It does not describe how to store and manage spatial data within application data models, apart from best practices which simplify the development of spatial functionality for web clients.


This document assumes familiarity with


The CWM Client component is a web component which can be deployed in a host web page to provide web map display along with spatial data search and manipulation. It is primarily intended to support web mapping needs within the BC Government Natural Resource Sector.

CWM is intended to support “Map-in-an-App” style applications, as well as the common “App-in-a-Map” paradigm.

The visual appearance and operation of the CWM map display is designed to be minimalist and unobtrusive in order to harmonize with the widest variety of web page designs. At the same time, the client offers a very rich set of functionality. It takes full advantage of the dynamic display capabilities of modern HTML5 technology.

The CWM Client component is designed take full advantage of the powerful capabilities of modern browsers. All map functionality is executed within the client browser itself, with only spatial data being provided by external services. This provides a performant, feature-rich client experience. It offers maximum flexibility to developers needing to provide custom spatial functionality in their applications.

Wherever possible the CWM Client utilizes modern, mature open source components. Its core code libraries are OpenLayers 2 and jQuery. As well as simplifying code development these libraries provide a high degree of browser platform independence.

The CWM Client supports modern open web mapping standards to provide connectivity to web map services. It supports connecting to WMS and WFS map services. Other spatial standards supported include WKT, GPX, KML, GML, GeoJSON, and Shapefile.

BC Government spatial data services supported include:

The CWM client provides numerous functions which can be configured according to the needs of the host application. These include:


The following diagram shows the architecture of the CWM Client web component, how it is deployed in a host web application, and how it connects to external mapping services.

CWM Map User Interface

The following image shows a typical CWM map layout and display. It shows most of the available tools and controls configured for operation.


Supported Browsers

The client component is tested to work on the following browsers:

In order to be functional across a wide range of browser types and versions, the CWM framework is conservative in what web client technologies are used. In addition, the libraries it uses (OpenLayers and jQuery) support a wide range of browser profiles. However, in order to provide some functions in the most user-friendly way some new browser APIs are utilized. Wherever possible, alternatives are provided that will work on older browsers.


The following Javascript libraries are used by the CWM Component.

These libraries are included in the CWM installation package and are deployed along with it.


The CWM Client is a web component. It is not a standalone web site. It is deployed in a host page, which is the artifact that a browser actually displays. The life-cycle of the map is delimited by that of the host page. The host page may be a page in a multi-page application, or it may follow the style of a Single-Page Application (SPA), where the entire application exists inside a single page. A page may contain multiple instances of CWM maps, each with their own markup and initialization code. A multi-page application may contain many pages which contain different maps. A page can create and destroy instances of the CWM maps as many times as it needs to.

There are two different ways to use the CWM Client library in your web application:

Deployed with the host application

First, let's assume your application's source code located on your machine at /APP_SRC and the application is deployed to APP_URL. Start by downloading the CWM library. Copy the contents of this zip into the source code of your application, for this discussion let's assume it is copied to /APP_SRC/lib/cwm. Let's assume that this directory is exposed by the application as APP_URL/lib/cwm. The integration instructions that follow assume that publically deployed instance is being used, so some of the URLs used will have to be adjusted.

In the section Host Page Integration:

Linking to publically deployed instance

The section Host Page Integration assumes that the application is using the publically deployed instance.

Host Page Integration

There are four pieces that need to be put in place to integrate the CWM client into an application.

The stylesheet

Add this inside the <head> element of the page:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//$host$prefixPath/cwm.css">

The styles have been named in a way that is intended to avoid conflicts with host page styling.

CWM styling attempts to provide a standard look and feel that is in harmony with current BC Government web standards.

CWM styles are not intended to be modified by developers. In some rare cases there may be conflicts with host page styles. If possible the host page styles should be altered to avoid conflict. Alternatively, CWM styles can be enhanced or modified to avoid the conflict (e.g. by introducing additional properties to explicitly set styling, or by judicious use of the “!important” declaration).

The <div> element

Each instance of the CWM client UI in the application will need a container <div>. The <div> must be identified by a unique id, and it must exist in the DOM before the CWM client can be initialized. The <div> must be sized and positioned by the application, the CWM client code does nothing to affect it's size or position. The <div> should not contain any elements, it will be populated by the CWM library.

Here is an example <div> that would be anywhere in the <body> of the application:

<div id="map" style="width: 800px; height: 512px; border: 1px solid black"></div>

Here is another example <div> that fills the browser frame, except for a 100px area on the right:

<div id="map" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 100px"></div>

The CWM client javascript library

The CWM client javascript library and it's dependencies should be loaded at the end of <body> element, but before the client initialization code.

<script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/jquery-1.11.2.js"     ></script>
<script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/proj4js-1.1.0.js"     ></script>
<script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/OpenLayers-2.13.1.js" ></script>
<script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/rbush-1.3.0.js"       ></script>
<script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/jsts-util-0.13.2.js"  ></script>
<script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/ajv-4.0.1.js"         ></script>
<script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/shp-3.1.4.js"         ></script>
<script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/download-4.0.0.js"    ></script>
<script src="//$host$prefixPath/CWM.js"                   ></script>

Initializing the CWM client

The CWM client object must be initialized before it can be used. To initialize the CWM client, one or more configuration objects must be provided to a factory method. The structure of the configuration objects is documented below in Configuration. The factory method CWM.createMap takes the id of the <div> to contain the CWM client UI, followed by a list of configuration objects. The configuration objects are either javascript objects, or URLs which are assumed to be references to files containing configuration represented in JSON.

The configuration objects have their values merged together, collapsing left-wards. This means that if two there are two configurations:

A = { "map":{ "print":{ "title": "#1" }}}

B = { "map":{ "print":{ "title": "#2" }}}

that are given to createMap as [A,B], then the resulting print.title value would be "#2". If they given to createMap as [B,A], then the resulting print.title value would be "#1".

However, when a configuration value is an array, then succeeding configuration values will be appended, instead of replacing the earlier value. So, if there are two configurations:

A = { "map": { "tools": [ { "toolType": "MARKUP_TOOLBAR" }]}}

B = { "map": { "tools": [ { "toolType": "MEASURE" }]}}

that are given to createMap as [A,B], then the resulting tools would be [{toolType:"MARKUP_TOOLBAR"},{toolType:"MEASURE"}]. This allows splitting apart the configuration into separate objects when it is convienient.

The third argument to createMap is an options object. The options are:

The createMap method returns a Promise. The caller can attach a done handler, and/or a fail handler. The done handler will get two arguments:

The sample initialization script presented below must occur in the HTML <body> after the CWM client libraries (see previous section). This assumes that configuration files exist at the same location as the application's HTML file, and are called map-config.json and overlay-config.json.


// This function is called when the page is fully loaded.
$( function() {

    // Create a map on the DIV with id 'map', using map-config.json and overlay-config.json for configuration.
      .done( mapCreated )
      .fail( mapFailed )

    // mapCreated is called when the map is successfully initialized.
    // The argument is a reference to a CWM.MapApi object, so the host application can interact with the map.
    function mapCreated( api ) {
        console.log( "map created" )

    // mapFailed is called when the map failed to initialize.
    // If this function is called, then the map is not usable.
    function mapFailed( err ) {
        console.warn( "createMap failed:", err )
} )


Sample page

Here is a complete HTML file that puts all the pieces above together. The map is styled so that it fills the entire browser window.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>CWM Sample</title>
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

    <!-- CWM style sheet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//$host$prefixPath/cwm.css">

    <!-- CWM map div - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
    <div id="map" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;"></div>

    <!-- CWM libraries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
    <script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/jquery-1.11.2.js"     ></script>
    <script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/proj4js-1.1.0.js"     ></script>
    <script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/OpenLayers-2.13.1.js" ></script>
    <script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/rbush-1.3.0.js"       ></script>
    <script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/jsts-util-0.13.2.js"  ></script>
    <script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/ajv-4.0.1.js"         ></script>
    <script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/shp-3.1.4.js"         ></script>
    <script src="//$host$prefixPath/lib/download-4.0.0.js"    ></script>
    <script src="//$host$prefixPath/CWM.js"                   ></script>

    <!-- CWM initialization  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
    $( function() {
          .done( mapCreated )
          .fail( mapFailed )
    } )

    function mapCreated( api ) {
        console.log( "map created" )

    function mapFailed( err ) {
        console.warn( "createMap failed:", err )



This section describes how to configure the appearance and behaviour of a single CWM map. This is done by constructing a JSON object.

Previous versions of CWM used a Javascript object for configuration. This is still possible using the legacy host integration method detailed above, but that method is deprecated.

The object describes a set of properties that are used by the CWM framework to construct, render and operate a map. At the highest level, the configuration object looks like:

    "map": {
        // map configuration
    "overlays": [
        // overlay configuration

Every CWM configuration object will look like this at the top-level. However, generally only one of map or overlays will be present.

Each of the sections is described by a JSON Schema, which fully describes what a valid object looks like. These schemas are used in the CWM framework to validate the configuration file when the application initializes the CWM map. If the validation fails, the map will not be functional.

The configuration sections are described below.

Map Configuration

The map configuration controls the user interface that the CWM framework will present to the user. The sets of user interface elements that are configured:

Also configurable are the style used by highlight, identify, markup, selection, and search internal layers.


This ia a table of all the tools that are available for use on the map. The tools property in the map configuration contains the set of identifiers that configure what tools the map will use. Each tool appears at a specific location on the map, one of:

AOI tools will appear in the Main toolbar if the AOI_TOOLBAR tool is not used. Ditto for Selection tools.

Identifier Location Purpose
ZOOM_INOUT Navigation Display the “Zoom in” and “Zoom out” buttons.
ZOOM_BC Navigation Display the “Zoom to BC” button.
ZOOM_HISTORY Navigation Display the “Previous Zoom” and “Next Zoom” buttons.
SEARCH Navigation Display the “Search for Location” button and tab.
SEARCH_BY_ATTRIBUTE Navigation Display the “Search for Feature” button and tab.
BOOKMARKS Navigation Display the “Bookmark” button.
IDENTIFY Main Display the “Identify Features” button.
AOI_FEATURE_COPY Main Display the “Copy to AOI” buttons on Feature List panels.
MEASURE Main Display the “Measurement Tools” button. This controls the display of the measurement toolbar.
AOI_TOOLBAR Main Display the “AOI Tools” button. This controls the display of the AOI toolbar.
SELECTION_TOOLBAR Main Display the “Selection Tools” button. This controls the display of the selection toolbar.
LAYER_IMPORT Main Display the “Layer Import” button.
MARKUP_TOOLBAR Main Display the “Markup Tools” button. This controls the display of the markup toolbar.
CLEAR_HIGHLIGHT Main Display the “Clear Highlight” button.
SESSION Main Display the “Session” button.
AOI_RECTANGLE AOI Display the “Draw Rectangle” button.
AOI_POLYGON AOI Display the “Draw Polygon” button.
AOI_LINE AOI Display the “Draw LineString” button.
AOI_POINT AOI Display the “Draw Point” button.
AOI_CIRCLE AOI Display the “Draw Circle” button.
AOI_EDIT AOI Display the “Edit AOI” button.
AOI_ZOOM AOI Display the “Zoom to AOI” button.
AOI_COPY AOI Display the “Copy Features to AOI” button.
AOI_CLEAR AOI Display the “Clear AOI” button.
AOI_UNDO AOI Display the “Undo” and “Redo” buttons.
COGO AOI Display the “COGO (Coordinate Geometry Editor)”
GEOMCALC AOI Display the “Geometry Calculator”
AOI_IMPORT AOI Display the “Import AOI” button.
EXPORT AOI Display the “Export AOI” button.
SELECTION_ADD_RECTANGLE Selection Display the “Select by Box” button.
SELECTION_ADD_POLYGON Selection Display the “Select by Polygon” button.
SELECTION_REMOVE_RECTANGLE Selection Display the “Unselect by Box” button.
SELECTION_ZOOM Selection Display the “Zoom to Selection” button.
SELECTION_CLEAR Selection Display the “Unselect All” button.
SELECTION_ADD_AOI Selection Display the “Select by AOI” button.
SELECTION_PANEL Selection Display the “Display Selected Features” button.
HELP Layers Display the “Help” panel within the sidebar.
LAYERS Layers Display the “Overlay Layers” panel within the sidebar.
LEGEND Layers Display the “Legend” panel within the sidebar.
SIDEBAR Layers Customize the positioning of the sidebar.
PRINT Layers Display the “Print” button.
CURSORPOS Decorators Display the coordinates panel.
LOCK Decorators Enable the coordinate lock.
SCALE Decorators Display the map scale.
GRATICULE Decorators Display the graticule button.
FULLSCREEN Decorators Display the Full screen toggle button.
BASEMAP Decorators Display the base layer chooser.

Base Map

One or more Base Maps can be defined for a given map. The user can switch between them using a map control.

CWM provides a number of predefined base maps. These include standard government base maps (maintained by DataBC), open base maps, and commercial base maps. The use of commercial base maps is subject to the licensing arrangements of the BC government. The CWM project has verified the licensing to the best of its ability.

Predefined Base maps can be added to a map configuration by specifying their code.

Identifier Title
White White
Black Black
BCGov BC Topo
BCGovRoads BC Roads
BCGovOrthoClr BC Ortho Colour
BCGovOrthoBW BC Ortho B&W
BCGovLandsatClr BC Landsat Colour
BCGovHillshadeClr BC Hillshade Colour
GoogleTerrain Google Terrain
GoogleStreets Google Streets
GoogleSatellite Google Satellite
OpenStreetMap Open Street Map
OpenCycleMap Open Cycle Map
OpenTransportMap Open Transport Map
OSMOutdoors OSM Outdoors
OSMLandscape OSM Landscape
EsriImagery ESRI Imagery
EsriTopo ESRI Topo
EsriStreet ESRI Streets

Coordinate Formats

Identifier Title
LatLonDD Latitude and longitude formatted as degree followed by decimal.
LatLonDMS Latitude and longitude formatted as degree followed by minutes and seconds.
LatLonDM Latitude and longitude formatted as degree followed by minutes.
Mapsheet The BCGS (British Columbia Geographic System) map numbering system.
MineralTitlesGrid The BCGS (British Columbia Geographic System) mineral titles grid.
BCAlbers The BC Albers coordinate system.
UTM The Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system.
WebMercator The Web Mercator coordinate system.

Client-side Print Layouts

CWM supports client-side printing via HTML Print Templates. Client-side printing means that the map and surround are rendered in the browser. The map.print.layouts collection contains all the print layouts defined. Client-side print layouts are defined with "type": "local". Client-side printing uses a print template, which is an HTML page, along with a Javascript file (normally this code does not need to be changed).

A sample print template is included with the CWM assets. Other templates may be created and deployed as needed.

To construct a new print template, start by copying cwm/assets/print-landscape.html to a new file (for example, cwm/assets/print-new.html). Modify the CSS in the <style> tag and contents of the <body> to adjust the layout to your needs. The print engine populates the template by inserting content into <div> elements with certain ids. The ids it uses are:

id Purpose
notes The contents of the Notes textbox on the Print dialog.
scale The scale of the map.
overview The overview map.
legendTitle The title of the legend area.
legend The map legend.
logo The logo image.
title The title of the map, from the Title textbox on the Print dialog.
map The map.

Any property put into the param object in a print layout configuration is the id of the element that will get that properties value. For example, if the print layout config is like this:

    "map": {
        "print": {
            "layouts": [
                    "type":  "local",
                    "name":  "local-layout-1",
                    "title": "New layout",
                    "url":   "cwm/assets/print-new.html",
                    "param": {
                        "logo":        "<img src=\"logo_bcgov.gif\" />",
                        "legendTitle": "Legend",
                        "information": "More information"

The ids logo, legendTitle, and information in print template will populated with the values of those properties from this configutation.

Server-side Print Layouts

CWM supports server-side printing via the Map Image Service (MIS). Server-side printing means that the map and surround are rendered on another machine, and the resulting image (a PDF) is sent to the browser. The map.print.layouts collection contains all the print layouts defined. Server-side print layouts are defined with "type": "server". A server-side print layout using MIS will need to follow the following pattern:

    "map": {
        "print": {
            "layouts": [
                    "type":  "server",
                    "name":  "<layout-name>",
                    "title": "<layout-title>",
                    "url":   "<mis-service-url>",
                    "layout": "<layout>",
                    "authorization": {
                        "access_token": "<oauth-token>"


Environment URL
layout Description
"A Landscape" A Landscape
"A Portrait" A Portrait
"B Landscape" B Landscape
"B Portrait" B Portrait
"C Landscape" C Landscape
"C Portrait" C Portrait
"D Landscape" D Landscape
"D Portrait" D Portrait
"E Landscape" E Landscape
"E Portrait" E Portrait

Map Configuration Schema

Here is the entire schema structure for the map configuration.

Overlay configuration

The CWM map can display multiple Overlays of map data.

An Overlay is a separate layer image in the OpenLayers map. It can be made visible or invisible independently of other overlays. It can be tiled or a single image. Its opacity can be controlled. It can display any number of service layers. In the case of overlays supplied by external services, the content is obtained by one or more network requests.


An Overlay Layer is a service layer within an Overlay which is based on a WMS or ArcGIS Map Service layer.

Layers can be made visible and invisible, but this will generally require a redrawing of the Overlay via network requests.

The only exception is when an Overlay is showing a single layer, and that layer is made invisible. In this case CWM makes the overlay invisible.

An overlay layer is defined by the following commonly used properties (see the Schema for the full set):

Property Type Purpose
title String The display name.
layers String The server layer to display.
visibility Boolean Sets the visibility of the layer. Default true.
identifiable Boolean Sets whether the layer can be queried by the Identify control.
selectable Boolean Sets whether features on the layer can be selected. Only one layer can have this property set to true.
url String The URL that will be used as the metadata link for the layer.

Overlay Configuration schema

Here is the entire schema structure for the overlay configuration.

Javascript API

The CWM Client provides a Javascript API to allow host pages to configure, control and query the state of the client model and user interface.



createMap( div, configurations, option )

Configures and creates a CWM Map. Loads configuration dynamically, from objects or JSON file resources.

Returns: Promise

The done handler will get the CWM.MapApi object as first parameter. The fail handler will get an error message as first parameter.



Configures and creates a CWM map component. The map configuration objects must already be loaded into the page context, e.g. via inline script elements.


addMapConfig( mapConfig )

Add to the map's UI configuration.


addOverlayConfig( overlayConfig )

Add to the map's overlay configuration.


createMap( mapDiv )

Create a new map, and return a CWM.MapApi object. as its interface.

Returns: CWM.MapApi



The public API that the host application will use to interact with the CWM client map.

This object is returned by a successful call to CWM.createMap, and gives the host application the ability to control some aspects of the CWM client map.

This API is broken down further into sub-objects. These are the sub-objects available on the MapAPI object:


Public API for controlling viewport of the CWM map.


viewport.refresh( )

Refreshes the map content (e.g. after viewport size change).


Public API for controlling navigation on the CWM map.


Returns the current center of the viewport in geographic coordinates.

Returns: LatLon

Returns the current bounds of the viewport in geographic coordinates.

Returns: Array


Move the viewport to center it on a point in geographic coordinates, with the bounds of viewport adjusted so that the given radius from the center is visible.


Is the mouse wheel enabled for zooming?

Returns: Boolean

True if mouse wheel is enabled for zooming

Enable or disable mouse wheel zooming on the map


When the visible extent of the map is changed, this callback will be invoked.


Zoom viewport to show the full extent of BC.

Zoom viewport to show the full extent of the current AOI.

Zoom viewport to show the given extent.


Move viewport to center on a point, and set zoom level.


Move viewport to center on a point, and set extent so that given radius from point is visible.


Center the viewport so that all selected features are visible. Does nothing if no features are selected.

Center the viewport so that all highlighted features are visible. Does nothing if no features are highlighted.

Get the current zoom level

Returns: Number

Current zoom level


Public API for controlling the area-of-interest on the CWM map.


aoi.getCount( )

Get the number of geometries currently defined in the AOI.

Returns: Number

aoi.getGeometries( )

Get all the geometries currently in the AOI.

Returns: Array

An array of geometry objects

aoi.getPrimaryGeometry( )

Get the first (primary) AOI geometry.

Returns: Geometry

aoi.getSecondaryGeometries( )

Get the non-first (secondary) AOI geometries.

Returns: Array

An array of geometry objects

aoi.clear( )

Clear all geometries in the AOI.

aoi.removeLast( )

Remove the most-recently added geometry.

aoi.addGeometry( geometry )

Add a geometry to the AOI.

The first geometry added to AOI after aoi.clear() will be the primary geometry. Subsequent additions are the secondary geometries.


aoi.onChange( callback )

When the AOI changes, this callback will be invoked.



Public API for controlling the identified features on the CWM map.


identify.clear( )

Clear the set of identified features. Hides panel if visible. Triggers onChange; don't call this method from this callback.

identify.getFeatures( )

Get all the features currently identified.

Returns: Array

An array of {CWM.Feature}s

identify.showFeatures( order, layer, features )

Shows the identify panel. If arguments are provided, adds features details for a layer. If the layer already exists on the panel, it's set of features is replaced. Triggers onChange; don't call this method from this callback.


identify.onChange( callback )

When the displayed list of identified features changes, this callback will be invoked.


identify.onStart( callback )

When an identify features operation starts, this callback will be invoked.


identify.onLayer( callback )

When an identify features operation gets the result for a layer, this callback will be invoked.


identify.onFinish( callback )

When an identify features operation is finished, this callback will be invoked.



Public API for controlling the selected features on the CWM map.


selection.clear( )

Clear the set of selected features.

selection.getCount( )

Get the size of the selection set.

Returns: Number

Number of features selected.

selection.getAttributes( )

REMOVED Use code like this to achieve the same effect:

var attributes = $.map( api.selection.getFeatures(), function ( f ) {
    // filter out layers that don't have the attribute needed
    if ( f.layerId != '<layer-id>' ) return;

    return f.attributes[ '<attribute-name>' ]
} )

selection.getFeatures( )

Get the features in the selection set.

Returns: Array

Array of CWM.Feature

selection.remove( features )

Remove some features from the selection set.


selection.addFeaturesByAttribute( layer, attribute, values, onSuccess, onFailure )

Add to selection set from the selection layer, by taking features matching some values for a particular attribute. This operation happens asynchronously.


selection.onChange( callback )

When the set of selection features changes, this callback will be invoked.



Public API for controlling the highlighted features on the CWM map.


highlight.clear( )

Clear the set of highlighted features.

highlight.getCount)( )

Get the size of the selection set.

Returns: Number

Number of features selected.

highlight.getGeometries( )

Get an array of geometries that are currently highlighted.

Returns: Array

Array of geometries

highlight.addGeometry( geometry )

Add geometries to the highlight set.


highlight.addGeometriesFromLayerByAttribute( layer, attribute, values, onSuccess, onFailure )

Add to highlight set some features selected from a layer. Takes features matching some values for a particular attribute. This operation happens asynchronously.



Public API for controlling the location markers on the CWM map.


marker.clear( )

Clear the marker set.

marker.addMarker( marker, style )

Add a marker. A marker is an object { position: [x,y], extent: [x1,y1,x2,y2], name:string, description:string }.



Public API for controlling printing features on the CWM map.


markup.clear( )

Clear the markup set.

markup.addGeometry( geometry, style )

Add a geomtry to the markup set.


Set the function to be called when the server-side print layout needs to get an OAuth authentication token. The provided function will receive a function as a argument, and this function must be called with the token as the first argument. If a token can't be obtained, then the function should be called with first parameter undefined, and an optional error message as second argument.



Public utility functions

Public API for linking two instances of CWM client together, so that their navigation is synchronized.


Synchronize the movement of otherMap with this map object. Whenever the user zooms or pans this map, then otherMap will make the same movement.

The link can be made bi-directional, by calling this method on otherMap as well.



Public API for accessing the collection of Overlay objects defined for the CWM client map. Each Overlay object contains 1 or more Layer objects.


overlay.getOverlayCount( )

Get the number of overlays defined.

Returns: Number

Number of overlays defined

overlay.getOverlay( indexOrId )

Get an overlay object.

Returns: Overlay


overlay.getOverlay(i).getId( )

Gets the id of an overlay.

Returns: String

Id of overlay

overlay.getOverlay(i).getTitle( )

Gets the title of an overlay.

Returns: String

Title of overlay

overlay.getOverlay(i).isVisible( )

Gets the visibility of an overlay.

Returns: Boolean

If the overlay is visible

overlay.getOverlay(i).setVisible( visible )

Sets the visibility of an overlay.


overlay.getOverlay(i).getLayerCount( )

Get the number of layers defined for the overlay.

Returns: Number

Number of layers defined

overlay.getOverlay(i).getLayer( indexOrId )

Get a layer object.

Returns: Layer


overlay.getOverlay(i).getLayer(j).getId( )

Gets the id of a layer.

Returns: String

Id of layer

overlay.getOverlay(i).getLayer(j).getTitle( )

Gets the title of a layer.

Returns: String

Title of layer

overlay.getOverlay(i).getLayer(j).getName( )

Gets the name of a layer. This is the name used to refer on the layer on the service providing it, like GeoServer.

Returns: String

Name of layer

overlay.getOverlay(i).getLayer(j).getStyleName( )

Gets the name of the style to be used for this layer.

Returns: String

Style name of layer

overlay.getOverlay(i).getLayer(j).isVisible( )

Gets the visibility of a layer. The visibility of the layer is determined by the this flag, and the visibility of the containing overlay.

Returns: Boolean

If the layer is marked as visible.

overlay.getOverlay(i).getLayer(j).setVisible( visible )

Sets the visibility of a layer.



An object representing a geometric feature. It has a representation of the feature's geometry, and a set of attributes.



Representation of the feature's geometry

type: geometry


Coordinate system used by the geometry

type: {CWM.CRS}


Name of layer this feature came from

type: {String}


Id of layer this feature came from

type: {String}


Attributes for this feature.

type: {Object}


getGeometryAsGeographic( )

Get a copy of geometry of the feature re-projected to geographic coordinates.

Returns: Geometry

getGeometryAsMap( )

Get a copy of geometry of the feature re-projected to map coordinates.

Returns: Geometry

getGeometryAsBCAlbers( )

Get a copy of geometry of the feature re-projected to BC Albers coordinates.

Returns: Geometry


Term Description
Service A self-contained software program that makes its functionality available via a published technical interface, called a Service Contract. Services can be combined by other software to provide the complete functionality of a larger software application
Service Contract A definition of the Service Capabilities or functions offered by the service to other software programs. This includes a set of documentation that identifies the functional and non-functional requirements, service operations, service invocation and so on.
